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  • New Grove dictionary, 1984: "Buzzer [spinning disc]. A free aerophone, akin to the bullroarer but distinguished from it in that a buzzer (usually shpaed like a disc, less often a blade) has two holes through which a cord is threaded and the ends tied together. The player holds the cord and swings it rapidly to twist it; an outward pull on the cord causes it to unwind rapidly and then wind up again in the opposite direction, the disc meanwhile making a humming sound. Buzzers are known as toys but are also often associated with ritual or magic. Examples include 'fir-fur', 'koororohuu', 'ukas', 'umampembe' and 'uvuru'. New Grove dictionary, 1984: "Whirling aerophone. Term used in the Hornbostel-Sachs classification (412.22), exemplified by the 'bullroarer' and the 'whirring disc' (see 'buzzer')"

Pojęcie szersze

Terminy pojęciowe

  • Whirring disc


  • 2019-01-29

Notka redakcyjna

  • to be translated (eu)

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