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  • "The ulla is a percussion instrument comprising a set of ten small copper gongs in plate shape. There are two kinds of ulla with a wooden frame or a hand grip. When playing it walking and moving, musician holds the ulla with the grip in his left hand. When playing it in a appointed position, the musician uses the one on a frame." (Gugak Center, Korea) Obsolete tuned metal gongs of Korea, the Korean name for Chinese Yunluo. The set of ten thin disc-shaped gongs were mounted in a portable wooden frame in three rows of three with a single gong on top ... The instrument is considered Chinese ... The only extant examples now in Korea, were brought from Beijing in 1937" (Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 1984)

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  • Yunluo


  • 2019-03-04

Editorial note

  • to be translated (de)

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