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Chordophones > Variable tension chordophones or 'plucked drums' > Variable tension chordophones or 'plucked drums' with string attached to the end of a neck and to the drum-head

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332Variable tension chordophones or 'plucked drums' with string attached to the end of a neck and to the drum-head   Link to MIMO collections


  • A single string is stretched between two fixed points. At one end it is attached to a handle in the form of a neck or yoke. At the other end it is fixed to a membrane covering a hole cut out of the base of a resonator, resembling a drum. The string bearer and resonator are organically united so that they cannot be separated without destroying the instrument. The plane of the string lies at right angles to the membrane. By adjusting the handle, the player braces the string to alter its tension and change its pitch. India (gopi yantra). (en)


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